I drive Competitive Intelligence in WSA - to make a systematic and ethical program for gathering and analysing internal an external information to extract insights that can affect the company’s plans, decisions, and operations. We support sales today with a constant updated map of the world around us as well as company strategy using scenario planning to draw the industry map of the future.
This is a task that cannot be done well alone - a large part of the work is supporting and enabling collaboration on insights generation and sharing across the whole organization. For me, this collaboration is a great driver of motivation and I'm lucky to have a great organization with highly skilled experts all around me.
I graduated as an electronic engineer with focus on signal processing and acoustics in 1998 and joined the audiological research department at Widex A/S in 1999. Since then I have been working as audiological trainer, coordinating and executing global audiological support and moved into full time Competitive Intelligence in 2014.
Apart from this I am a passionate photographer and singer, play the violin and viola plus mandolin and am having fun with playing guitar and flute a bit too, I'm a radio amateur (oz2ael) - mainly morse code and not good at it,- and enjoying astronomy and birdwatching when time and weather permits, if the weather is bad, I'll be doing woodworking, tatting or trying to learn words in various languages instead.