Moritz is the CEO of peekd, co-founding the company in 2017. Before peekd, Moritz built one of
the largest lead generators for real estate agents as CO-Founder with 123makler and sold it to
PlanetHome AG.
peekd is the Transaction Intelligence Platform for global e-commerce. We are the only player in
the market that has made online transactions the core of its Intelligence Platform.
We track and analyze hundreds of millions of transactions every month across tens of
thousands of online retailers to provide the most accurate picture of how the world buys online.
Our SaaS solution gives comprehensive overviews of the most important market indicators
across more than 200 industries and 150 countries and reveals the triggers and drivers of sales
across the entire sales funnel – from search to purchase.
peekd was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Berlin and has an office in New York.